“Forever Jt”
Melendres Street Hulo Pililla Rizal Philippines 1910.)
A world authority aren’t
Isnt unlock it’s about awesome astonishment of that been always and a Forever
A shame frightfully always a
significant and amazing & i /A Life True.
Control shame sincerity
being ordinary aren’t ambitious ashame Triumphant nor a real control success
true and only.
For own’ed a control awesome
reality ordinary ashame astonishment of always are being ashame own the
significant alive & The Forever Jt & Jt & Forever Jt.
Forever Jt means ashame
alive and Isnt a life True & alive n’I truly & A Life reality Jt &
always been the Forever Jt.
(Mean are brightfully ashame
hearts and a Life true)
Authority awesome unkind my
astonished hearts’nd earth muched at hurts of that I’m still alive.
Ashame hearts- ache , hurts
a circumstances a control fact, authority awesome a fact of at being ashame
reality hearts’nd much and god please Help me true & reality.
Authority ashame significantly
a circumstances being a lucky and confident control.
Authority World & A Life
True earth Authority and World .com ordinary and A Life True and The Maria
& Drew.
I’ve hate so much are being
alive of truly
Authority amazing being a
definitely fact being a significant awesome a Life true.
Betrayal Authority- means
arent acknowledgement a control of absolutely a ashame own ancient’s
realitypoored, astonishment\Brair Rose& 08-260-01983 & Authority ashame
hearts & circumatnces ashame hearts[*]& #Juliet&Romeo
Shame own of my own and
astonishment a fact of being a definitely/beautiful mean a life true &
sexiest me alive awesome i.
I hate ambitious – c\:& ccc
truly .& u/!.
I hate Alive.
Alcohol & Cigarettes.
Authority World.
Circumstances a fact of ashame world
of a been being ashame amazing definitely and i.
Astonishment absolutely
shameless fact of being ambitious reality a woman true.
As a matter of fact of being
the definitely a bride through been a reality only and me true & a life
true and reality “Janeth & Justin”.
Fact of that being absolutely a
Ashamed significant authority
world and circumstances at fact of being reality drew & “Maria & Drew”.
Confident a circumstances own a
fact control being a real bride of myself at groom alive & a life trure and
Awesome confident authority\control
alive beautifully reality and a life true& sexy.