Thursday, 11 April 2013

Angelika DeLa Cruz & Outing & Fairytales & Umbrella Bieber *BLOW _OUT*.[].

Authority awesome unkind my astonished hearts’nd earth muched at hurts of that I’m still alive.
Ashame hearts- ache , hurts a circumatnces a control fact, authority awesome a fact of at being ashame reality hearts’nd much and god please Help me true & reality.
Authority ashame significant’ly a circumatnces being a lucky and confident control.
Authority amazing being a definitely fact being a significant awesome a Life true.
Authority World & A Life True earth Authority and World .com ordinary and A Life True and The Maria & Drew.
Control ashame sincerity being ordinary aren’t ambitious ashame Triumphant nor a real control success true and only.
A world authority aren’t Isnt unlock it’;s about awesome astonishment of that been always and a Forever Jt.
For own’ed a control awesome reality ordinary ashame astonishment of always are being ashame own the significant alive & The Forever Jt & Jt & Forever Jt.
Ashame frightfully always a significant and amazing & i.
Forever Jt means ashame alive and Isnt a life True & life reality n’I true & life reality Jt Forever.
Mean are brightfully ashame hearts and a Life true.
Forever Jt.
I’ve hate so much are being alive of truly
Betrayal Authority- means arent acknowledgement a control of absolutely a ashame own ancient’s realitypoored, astonishment\Brair Rose& 08-260-01983 & Authority ashame hearts & circumatnces ashame hearts[*]& #Juliet&Romeo @Jt_Drew-Bieber DEFINITELYBEAUTY ADDICTS “KATHIE- RYNE “MARIA” DOUGLAS@JUSTINDREWBIEBER[].
Poor ao ashame own only authority /control a difficulties arent ordinary only ashame definitely out of that a lawyer & power absolutely and triumphant\astonishment own thoughts me untrue/unliken & unkind of that being ordianry onlyand ordianry a thinker .. poored ordianry you ambitious a hearts-ache & hurts ordianry @Forever_Jt[].?
Astonishment of untrue/unkind& ashame a hearts- ache\& true & only you…lyrics &&& astonishment: @Forever-Jt: Ordinary Maria Kathie Ryne “Maria” Douglas.
Authority a fact og being alive own’ed at ashame a hearts- ache Maria & Authority & Ashameabsolutely ashame reality @Walt_Disney Pic[]. Ordianry & TrueMama- *beLLe* and Pending.

What ‘ll about the Triunphant of been a definitely a fall- modelo ashame control of being That All Folk’s and []&[] ashame true & ambitous triumphant Model.
Ashame frighten been a amazing been truly a looser & ashame astonishment successful because of that being a idiot Authority and world.
Ashame being ambitious christian religion- romana & Catholickahn.
Ashame confident about astonish’ed truly a circumatnces ambitous always about #ambitious & world.
Ashame authoritya heatd- ache beiojng ambitious definitely a controllingcircumatnces at always beingan extraordianry amazing, circumatnces reality, authority world of alive & at being authority world & rihanna lier reality, & alive truly, and a life true MARIA.
Ashame a hurts of a beinga controlling& ashame earth at arent trulya owned & meaned a life true.
Ashame authority world of that ashame been definitely ordianry and a life true.
Ashame of being I’ve reality LoveWithin all of myself & me truly the aliveand life Jt- Prinze’s Of my own’ed It’s browsefully ashame my Prince Philip @JtPrinze- A Life True.
“Janettha Maria Umbrella & Justin Drew Bieber”

A definitely ashame- hearts & A Life True shortcut’ed.
Intelligent awesome been frightfully& amazing i.
Ashame beautifully & me a life true sexy.
Awesome a circle only at myself and reality me alive.
Confident control amazing and truly circle only alive & true.
Circle a reality only and a control\power & alive.
Significant and Jt.
You are then one I always being own’ed and think on. \
Ashame definitely a life true and Forever Jt.
Quuen & King.

Authority world absolutely ashame of that awesome and a definitely nothing.
A fact being & a life True and definitely a control being alive & a Life True and real at sexy alive.
@britneyspears-& A LIFE TRUE.
Ashame ownof my own and astonishment a fact of being a definitely/beautiful mean a life true & sexiest me alive awesome i.
I hat ambitous – c\:& ccc truly .& u/!.
I hat Alive.
Alcohol & Cigarettes.
Authority World.
Circumtances a fact of ashameworld of a been being ashame amazing definitely and i.
Astonishment absolutelya shameless fact of being ambitious reality a woman true.
As a matter of factof being the definitely a bride through been a reality only and metrue & a life true and reality “Janeth & Justin”.
Fact of that being absolutely a Maria.
Ashame significant authority world and circumatnces at fact of being reality drew & “Maria & Drew”.
Confident a circuymatnces own a fact control being a real bride of myself at groom alive & a life trure and reality.
Awesome confident aithority\control alive beautifully reality and a life true& sexy.

“Isn’t a Fairytales & Outing & Umbrella”

As a munch at I Knew I’ve been truly a real queen of the  Jt & Prinzes: Janettha Umbrella & Justin Bieber.- In the resort at Pililla Rizal The Dfalampasigan Philippines & a Power Of Love Vs. The Forever Jt.
‘Forever Jt’
Angelika DeLa Cruz (Ariel) Janice Patenia (Snowhite) Maricris Anievas (Angket- Kristel), Janeth Umbrella (Aurora Maria Bieber), Natividad Paz (Witches), & Amalia Tibay (Fairy).
‘Forever Jt’
‘Power Of Love’
Beng- beng, Josiephine Juayong, Eucenia Paz, Ising Anievas, Chayong Patenia, & Mak- mak Anievas.
‘Power Of Love’

New – oke, & Videa, Microphone, Cakes & “BLOW _ OUT” @AngleikaDeLaCruz & with the Ice- Cream, Justin Bieber Tables, & Baloon’s.
‘Marshmallow & Chesse Hotdog’s’
‘Personal Computer (8) liken a Central .
‘1 , Million Peso’s’
‘Cellphone with Camera’s’
Especial Cakes’d
“1 Whole Day & Night’ed”
One piece bathing suit for the Forever Jt and Tow Piece for the Power Of Love & Short’s w/ Sexy Blouses.
“The Glory Of God & Umbrella Douglas”
“The Three Bride Rose”
“Music & Cakes’d”

“Wedding Place & Swimming Trunks”

Munch of knowing the reality a circle for that triumphant a triumph & success for been significant “The Glory Of God & Umbrella”
Astonishment at Forever Jt & The Power Of Love & Fairytales ‘OUTING’ & Alive & The Three Bride Rose and Fairytales ‘OUTING’ & Lola Ko.
Circumtances ambitous a fact for always fallin at love on you and Jt ^& Fairytales.
Ambitous astonished at being always been the ashame hurts of truly am I acknowledgement triumphant at succeed & Fairytales.
Walt Disney Pictures: Cinderella, Janettha Umbrella, Aurora Bieber, & Kindra.
Circumtances ashame circle of that being a truly authority being own a queen’ly Aurora and reality Jt Princessa Umbrella.

“Isn’t a Fairytales & Outing & Umbrella”

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